I've felt a little under the weather the past few days. Nothing too serious. Just some body aches, stuffy sinuses and a bit of a headache. I slept a lot and read a whole book in less than two days, James Patterson's latest, Hope to Die,
On Saturday I took my machine in to get the plug on the foot pedal fixed. I have no idea if it can be fixed. I am keeping my fingers crossed. If they can't fix it, I guess I will have to buy a new pedal. But as the woman in the shop said, "That will be cheaper than a new machine".
And as I was coming out from under the weather, the weather became beautiful. It started out cold and windy yesterday morning, but then the sun came out and it felt like spring. We decided to go down to the lake and see how much winter was still around. And I can tell you, there was a lot! In the middle of the lake the ice had melted, but around the edges, it was still deep and frozen. The ducks and geese were calling to us from the ice. The gulls were screaming from the air. It was impossible to walk anywhere because the paths had not been cleared. So I parked myself on a bench, in the sun, along the edge of the water and took a few photos.

The sun felt nice. Today is going to be another gorgeous day. The temperature is going way up to 13C, that's around 55F. Is our winter over? Not a chance. It will get cold again (not as cold as it has been) but the temps will be below normal for this time of year until spring starts on Friday. And then we might even get a bit of snow. This weather is crazy. I want spring.
We still have a foot or more of snow on our lawn. But close to the house the snow has melted. And as it did, little green crocus shoots were already coming up. Low and behold, a yellow crocus popped out of the ground and greeted me with a smile.
Okay, now I am feeling better. The weather can do what it wants. As long as I have something springlike in my garden I am happy. I think I will ride my scooter up to the library and get another book. And maybe buy some strawberries for dessert. Yummy! I can taste spring already.
On the quilting front, do you want to see what I have been working on? It isn't much. Just a few more hexie flowers. I can keep doing these because they are all done by hand, but the machine applique will have to wait until I get my sewing machine fixed. This is what I have so far on ny design wall. I have not decided how big I am going to make this quilt, but I don't think it will be much bigger. Just a border or two.
I am linking up with Angie at
A Quilting Reader's Garden.