I am not sure if I am getting the effect I wanted, but this is what I have so far. I have only sewn three rows of clamshells together, but they signify at least six rows because I have had to unsew many times. Well, back to the drawing board for me. Hopefully I will have more to show next month.

If you want to see more Clamshell efforts go to Jossie's blog, Cybeles Patch, (just click on the icon on the left) and then click on the club members listed on her sidebar.
I should also update you on seeing the Jersey Boys a couple of nights ago. They were fantastic! I loved every minute of the show. Their performance was a little loud, but then I am getting a little older. There were a lot of bad words, but I can handle those. LOL. All in all a terrific performance! Our Japanese visitors did not understand much of it, but they loved the music and bought a program and a CD so they can 'study' it. Gosh those girls are cute. They are so dedicated and hard working. They left yesterday and I miss them already.