Where has the time gone? It was 44 years ago today that my DH and I got married.

There are not many photos of our wedding. The photographer (my uncle) was taking pictures all day long. At around 10:30 in the evening he came to us with a long, sad face and proceeded to tell us that the film in his camera had broken and all the photos of our special day were ruined. Being young and in the spring of our lives, we just took it all in stride. It was like an adventure. But we did want to have some photos to remember this important day by. So we took several family shots over. This one is of my family - my mother, sisters and brother. My father is in the top photo, just to the left of me.

We recreated the signing and ring ceremonies.

We even 'rebuilt' the cake because it was half eaten by that time. Luckily the top tier was still intact. We just put some cups under it and took a photo from the front.

And we all went back to City Hall on Christmas Day, even though it was closed, and took some more pictures of the entire family. It was very cold that day! With the wind it felt like -20C! But we made the best of things.

And I was happy.

Congratulations Hetty, 44 years is a long way!
Thanks for sharing the sweet pictures.
On our wedding day by mistake, my brother took slides in stead of photos... In those days it costed a fortune to have slides made into photos, so I only have a few!
44 years! How wonderful.
And the pictures seem even more special, after having to recreate them.
Happy Anniversary (o:
Congratulations. You look so young back then. We hit the 44 years in Oct. this year. I can't figure out where all those years went. There are not too many couples that make it this far anymore. Have a great day.
How beautiful, Hetty.
Thank you for sharing.
Happy Anniversary and may you be blessed with many, many more :)
Congratulations to your wedding anniversary. We have been married 42 1/2 years now and it feels like only a few years ago. A pity the photos got lost but on the ones you show here you look very happy! You were a lovely bride and soooo young!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Happy belated anniversary Hetty.
Great photo's! congratulation on your anniversary!
And I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a great start in 2011
Those photos turned out great after all. Both of you looked very sharp, and the two of you along with the whole family looked very happy.
I hope you have a wonderful anniversary and many more to come.
Congratulations on your 44th anniversary. That is a milestone to celebrate.
Congratulations! How wonderful for you to share your story. I loved it.
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