My sewing machine is still not working properly. Sometimes the needle does not go to the centre position when I turn it on. It's not really a problem, unless I forget to check it. I was so excited about making another DNP quilt, (I know, I know! I shouldn't be starting anything new! But I just can't help myself.) that I started to sew immediately. And... well you guessed it. I broke my needle! It was so wedged in there that I had to use a pair of pliers to get it out. Luckily I was wearing glasses because the tip of the needle flew off and hit me. I put a new needle in and continued on with my DNP. Here is what I have so far - 18 blocks, only 12 to go. They are just on my design floor and are not arranged as they will be when it is finished. I need more blocks to see how the colours work together.

I really shouldn't be calling it a DNP because I did not make any nine patches for this top. I just didn't have enough large pieces of fabric in my stash. But I did have strips of fabric measuring 3' that I wanted to use. So I made up my own DNP blocks.
Here is what I did. I cut the larger pieces from larger fabrics. They measure 6' x 6'. Then I cut two pieces of fabric measuring 3' x 6' for the sides. For the small squares I chose a fabric that I used throughout. It's the red in my quilt. I cut one of those for each block measuring 3' x 3'.
Then I sewed them together - a 3' square to a 3' x6' rectangle and a 6' square to a 3' x 6' rectangle.
I finger pressed the seams in opposite directions and sewed my two pieces together. And... Voila! A finished block. I need 30 of these for a baby or lap quilt - 5 blocks across and 6 down. Easy, peasy.