Thursday, March 15, 2018

Weather Hexie on Feline Friday

It's been cool the past couple of weeks.  But that is okay.  Our maple syrup production depends on above freezing temps during the day and below freezing temps at night.  And that is what has been happening.  This is week10.  Unfortunately my weather hexie is kind of boring.  It's totally green.

3.8C   2C   3.1C   0.5C   5.3C   3.2C   3.9C

Even though it is cold out, I have lots of colour indoors.

This is one of my orchids

And this is another.  (sorry for the blurry picture)

Last week I looked out into my solarium and saw that my Amaryllis was about to bloom.  It had been sitting dormant since last year.  I love it when plants seem to take care of themselves,

And then there is Felix.  He has not been feeling himself for a while.  But he seems to be doing better lately. 

Meow!  Go away with that camera.  Me wants to sit here in peace and quiet.  

Here my sweet kitty is washing his face.

Meow!  Me needs to look nice!  

Okay Felix.  Is it spring fever you are suffering from?

Meow!  Spring fever nothing.  Me just wants to look nice.

Linking up with Sarah


Vireya said...

A bit cool in your neck of the woods!
So what is the secret of keeping phalenopsis orchids happy? One of mine is sadly dropping leaves one after the other.

Sarah said...

Green and steady is ok - better than jumping all around in my book.
Gorgeous orchids - I was never any good at them but give me a violet and I can keep it going in gang busters. Here's hoping that Felix continues to be on the mend!!

em's scrapbag said...

Your indoor blooms look great! Hope you get lots of maple syrup with your cold temperatures. Sounds yummy!