Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Weather Hexie - Summer is Here

This is my weather hexie for Week 19.
May 7 to 13.

15.9C,   18.2C,   22C,   20.9C,   10.6C,   13.6C,   15.9C


Vireya said...

Lots of warm colours in this one! It looks sunny.

I've finished with warm for my quilt. I checked the forecast and if I'm lucky there could be a green day in the next week. But mainly I'm stuck in aqua and blue, as I was all last winter.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Great Hexie Hetty!

Anonymous said...

Hi Hetty lovely hexies love that the colours represent the temperatures,lovely work,i am now following you and i hope you will visit my page and follow me,hope you have a lovely day xx