We Have Mail! Real Mail!

Me: Look Mimi! I got a package in the mail today!
Mimi: You woke me up for that?
Me: Yes! Isn't it exciting? It's from Nicolette in Holland! It's something I won in her last contest when she posted her 70th blog for this year! I can't wait to open it!
Mimi: Oh, it does smell interesting. Okay. Open it and let me see what she sent you.
Me: Oh! This is great! Absolutely super! It's a cloth covered notepad, just as she promised! Isn't it beautiful? And you know me! I love notepads! I love to write notes!
Mimi: Yes! I know!
Me: The colours are very beautiful and Nicolette's sewing skills are fantastic! And look, Mimi, she has included some real Dutch candies. Hopjes! Echte Haagse Hopjes! I remember these from when I was a kid. They still look exactly the same! It seems as if nothing has changed in the last 50 years!
Mimi: Except you!!!
Me: Be nice Mimi! Actually now that I have this gift, there is nothing that you can say to make me feel bad today!!! I feel great! Oh! I have to send her a thank you!
Mimi: Okay. I'm sorry. Can I help you write a thank you card?

Me: Okay. Here's a pen.
Mimi: Hmmmm. This is hard for me to do. I can't seem to hold the pen right.
Me: Okay, then I will do it! So...... Thank you Nicolette! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love my new notepad! And the Hopjes! You're the best! And I love your blog!
Mimi: Can I go back to napping now?
Me: Yeah, Yeah, sure, whatever. Oh! I am going to make a list of quilts that I want to finish! And a list of all the plants in my garden. And maybe a list of questions to ask the specialist on my next visit. I can take notes when I watch the next quilt show on television. Oh, and things to buy at the quilt shop. What to make for dinner. Recipes. Quilt ideas. And.............
Mimi: Nicolette. I think you have created a monster! By the way, say 'Hi!' to Midas for me.