I therefore nominate Nynke, from the Dutch Purple Rabbit. She is so sweet and generous and she has a couple of really cute cats!
I also nominate Vicki, from Felines and Fiber Arts. She has given me lots of scraps and some really nice fabrics too. Her quilting is amazing. You have to see it in real life, but since you can't you''ll just have to take my word for it.
Third is Saskia, from Dutch Girl Quilting. She does a lot of hexagon flowers and stitcheries that I love. Her whole family is creative! Go on over and take a look. There is always something interesting going on over there.
I can nominate two more bloggers who have less than 300 followers, but I will leave that up to you. If you qualify, give yourself this award. And then nominate 3-5 other bloggers who have blogs with less than 300 followers.
Now on with my quilting! January was a busy month, but I did manage to make another quilt for charity. This one was very easy. The kit was missing a piece of fabric for the back, but I used one that I had on hand and I think it turned out pretty good.
I have not been able to sleep well the last few weeks. I seem to be up at all hours of the night and during the day I feel listless and want to nap all the time. This morning I woke up 1:30am and could not get back to sleep. So I got up and started sewing some scraps together. Here are a few of them. There were too many to show them all to you.
Now I have to get my bread maker out and mix a batch of pizza dough. My daughter is coming over after work to pick it up. She wants to make pizzas tomorrow, but I told her to come over today because we are expecting a huge storm tomorrow - about 30cm of snow and I thought she should go straight home tomorrow. It is also going to be very cold. So... January is over, but look out, February is on it's way in.