Mimi: You woke me up for that?
Me: Yes! Isn't it exciting? It's from Nicolette in Holland! It's something I won in her last contest when she posted her 70th blog for this year! I can't wait to open it!
Mimi: Oh, it does smell interesting. Okay. Open it and let me see what she sent you.
Me: Oh! This is great! Absolutely super! It's a cloth covered notepad, just as she promised! Isn't it beautiful? And you know me! I love notepads! I love to write notes!
Mimi: Yes! I know!
Me: The colours are very beautiful and Nicolette's sewing skills are fantastic! And look, Mimi, she has included some real Dutch candies. Hopjes! Echte Haagse Hopjes! I remember these from when I was a kid. They still look exactly the same! It seems as if nothing has changed in the last 50 years!
Mimi: Except you!!!
Me: Be nice Mimi! Actually now that I have this gift, there is nothing that you can say to make me feel bad today!!! I feel great! Oh! I have to send her a thank you!
Mimi: Okay. I'm sorry. Can I help you write a thank you card?

Mimi: Hmmmm. This is hard for me to do. I can't seem to hold the pen right.
Me: Okay, then I will do it! So...... Thank you Nicolette! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love my new notepad! And the Hopjes! You're the best! And I love your blog!
Mimi: Can I go back to napping now?
Me: Yeah, Yeah, sure, whatever. Oh! I am going to make a list of quilts that I want to finish! And a list of all the plants in my garden. And maybe a list of questions to ask the specialist on my next visit. I can take notes when I watch the next quilt show on television. Oh, and things to buy at the quilt shop. What to make for dinner. Recipes. Quilt ideas. And.............
Mimi: Nicolette. I think you have created a monster! By the way, say 'Hi!' to Midas for me.
Oh, Hetty. You are the greatest.
And you deserve your notepad.
Of course, Mimi deserves praise too, only for just being what she is, a lovable, talking cat.
Hi Hetty thanks for your comments on my blog. I have had a quick read of your blog and will definitely be back, loved your quilt as you go, regards to Mimi!!!
Hi Hetty and Mimi!! I‘m glad you like the note-taker. Enjoy the sweet(s) memories of Holland! Midas says hello to the both of you!
Hahaha...you cracked me up with your comment. I thought people would get sick of seeing pics of Melody. Now don't get me wrong, I can stare at her all day.
I love Mimi!!
hopjes, dropjes, stoopwafels and hagelslag. hmm I'm pretty lucky girl to life here in holland.
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