Autumn is in full swing around here! And as with autumn, my mind also seems to be in its latter stages of development! Some days I am glad that there is no one around to ask me who I am, where I live and what day it is! That is why this little miracle is so important to me!
Now, I know this is just a small step and I know I am not becoming a computer geek, but it is nice to be able to make my computer perform functions that it was meant to perform. What I am trying to say is, "I think I have figured out the 'link thing'!" It was not a revelation. Nor was it carefully researched, studied and implemented. It was more of an infant-learned thing. Kind of like a second childhood, I guess. I was typing on my blog and suddenly a 'link' came up. I had no idea how I had made that happen. Kind of like an baby who waves a rattle in the air and is astonished by the sound it makes! I tried to duplicate the sound, er, I mean, 'link thing', but couldn't remember which keys I had hit. I tried different combinations, and after many, many tries, I finally had a "By gosh! I think I've got it!" moment. Those are the exciting times of my life!
So now that I am able to 'link' stuff, I'd like to tell you all about the upcoming Rouge Valley Quilt Guild's Quilt Show. Just click on the icon and it will take you to the home page. Then click on 'quilt show' and you can read all about it! I am very excited about the Quilt Show. Not because I have any quilt in it, because I don't. I was not able to complete anything last year to enter into the show! But it will be great to see what all the other members have been up to! And I am also excited because I am now able to link to anything on this blog! The show runs this Friday and Saturday (October 24th and 25th) out in Ajax, so if you're in the Greater Toronto Area, why not come along for some lovely eye candy and maybe a cup of tea and a slice of banana bread! There will also be a vendor's marketplace. That's where you'll find me! I can't wait to see what is new on the quilt scene! I haven't been out much lately!
And now I leave you with a gorgeous image of Highland Creek in all its autumn splendor! Kind of like my mind - a little over-exposed perhaps, but colourful just the same!

Autumn is upon us, but you took a couple of nice pictures. The trouble is that soon we will be seeing nothing but white. Wish the warm weather would last longer.
"the link thing" I had to write a post asking other bloggers for help!
Me again. I scrolled down and saw your ponies. Makes me want to learn how to crochet.
Did you see George S of "The Hour" this week when he featured a young woman (lives in Toronto) who is obsessed with ponies? She had several that looked liked yours but were manufactured.
Love the creek photo.
I enlarged your little over-exposed image of Highland Creek and it is more than gorgeous, it is breathtaking.
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