Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
A Conversation With Mimi - Puttin' the Luv In

Friday, January 23, 2009
A Little of This, a Little of That

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday's Block Party Week 3

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Late or Early?
I have finished my first quilt for this year! I know it's a Christmas quilt, but I started it in early December. I just couldn't get it done before Christmas. Because I didn't want it to end up in my UFO bin, I decided to finish it. So, the question is..... am I late or am I early? I will count this as my first finish for this month in the One Project a Month Challenge. (See side bar)
I used Christmas-themed scraps, which were fun to work with in December. I found the pattern on the internet. It's called Nine-Patch Christmas scrap quilt. See it here. It measures 50in. by 61in. (127cm by 155cm) Almost big enough for a single bed, but nice and cosy for a lap quilt.
Mimi likes it. She couldn't help jumping up on it as soon as I threw it over a chair to take a photo. I didn't even see her until she was up on the quilt and I had already put my camera away. I tried to take another photo, but wouldn't you know it! My batteries were dead! Why does that always happen to me? I guess I should heed the 'low battery' message on the screen!
Does this quilt meet with your approval, Mimi?
"Yeah. meow. It's okay. I see a fabric with some cardinals on it, but absolutely no cat fabric! What's with that?"
Not every quilt can have cat fabric in it, Mimi!
"Okay, consider it approved! But next time use some nicer fabrics, like cat prints or something! Now I'm going to kick Oscar off my favourite chair. I feel a nap coming on! Meow."
I also downloaded this cute little snowman applique from a Block Of the Month by Bunny Hill . It was supposed to have a heart button at the top, but I could only find an apple button. I know I have some heart buttons somewhere, but where? I think this made a very cute little block and since the temperature is only -21C today (windchill is -30C), it's quite appropriate! Because this is a BOM I guess there will be more blocks to follow. If I have time I would love to make them all!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Let's Call it Footstool
I completed the block for week 2 of the Friday Block Party (see my side bar). Because it was another 10in. block, I decided to use batiks again. I have no idea why. Maybe I will make an all batik quilt with the 10in. blocks - eventually.
I had a lot of trouble with the hourglass pieces in the centre of the block. The instructions on Quilter's Cache are not the greatest for constructing these little triangle pieces. Julie from floribunda shows how to do it much better in a little tutorial she came up with on the blog. I used this method too. It is much easier and there is much less stretching. But I still did not like the little hourglass pieces. They were very tedious and no matter how hard I tried to be exact, inevitably one of the blocks did not cooperate. I know! I'm a perfectionist - what else can I say? Then to make matters worse, I ran out of fabric so I used something similar in colour, but that didn't look quite right. So I made a second block.

Monday, January 05, 2009
Ahhhh! Back to Normal!
Over the weekend I made this block, called 'broken dishes - variation' as part of the Friday's Block Party. (see sidebar) This was week 1, so I am still on schedule.
Besides doing the broken dishes block, I have been busy sewing scraps together to make this wall hanging. I think it will be about 40in. square when it is finished. That huge white space in the middle is supposed to be for an applique. But unfortunately I cannot find an appliqued medallion that I like in all the books and magazines I have.
So..... I guess I'll have to design something of my own. That shouldn't be too difficult. Or should it? So far I have wasted at least a tree's worth of paper trying to come with something. I don't know if you can see my drawings. They're not very good, but I think you can click on them to see them better - if you must. Why was this so difficult? I never have problems drawing anything.
Then it hit me! Duh! I have forgotten what plants and flowers look like. It is January - the beginning of January to be exact - and flowers are a long forgotten memory. I decided to take matters into hand and had my DH drive me to Allen Gardens yesterday morning. It is an amazing spot in the old cabbage town part of Toronto. They have several large hothouses there, filled with plants and flowers and cactus and I hoped, some colour to revive my imagination!
I was not disappointed! Lucky for us they had not removed the Christmas display yet. Everything was covered in poinsettias! The colours ranged from the traditional reds to pinks, corals and variegated varieties! I was in plant heaven!

Friday, January 02, 2009
Happy New Year!
It's the new year and I want to get right to work on all the quilts I am dreaming of making in 2009! But first I have to take care of some business matters. I entered a few blog giveaways and contests near the end of last year, and actually won some really great stuff!

The first package arrived a few days before Christmas. It was from Kathy at Lizzie Jane. It contained these really cute snowmen patterns. I want to make the little snowman wall hanging. I am sure we will have winter until the end of March around here, so I will have lots of time! Thanks Kathy!

Then this box came from Nynke, the dutch purple rabbit. I didn't have to do anything to get this wonderful gift. Nynke just sent me something because that is the kind, sweet and generous person that she is. It arrived just in time on Christmas Eve and was loaded with all kinds of goodies. There were fabrics, some of them hand dyed, I think, some chocolate covered gingerbread cookies and hagelslag or muisjes as they are commonly called. These are little bits of chocolate memories from my childhood. We used to sprinkle them on bread for breakfast! There were also some little bottles of beads which I will put to good use when I do more fibre postcards! There was also a chocolate Sinterklaas and a little Purple Rabbit! There was even a ball of wool so that I can make something for my kitties! Nynke thought of everything!

I also won this quilt in Freda's Hive giveaway! Isn't it beautiful? The workmanship is impeccable! Can you see the label? It says 'One of a Kind from Freda's Hive. I will treasure it and hopefully use it to keep one of my grandchildren warm one day. Thanks Nanette!
And now I can show you some mindless piecing that has kept me occupied over the past few days. I decided to clean up some of my scrap boxes. I am using precious space to store a lot of little pieces of fabric that I should probably just throw out. But who can do that? So I have been making the most of my stash. I used anything that was at least 2in. wide and 5in. long. I plan to do a scrappy wallhanging with some sort of medallion, (an appliqued winter berry thing) in the middle. I got the idea from ems scrapbag and from another blog, but I can't remember which one at the moment. If I find it I will edit this post so I can show it to you.
I am not using a specific pattern, but I guess it could be called rail fence. Each block is 5in. by 5in. unfinished. (4 1/2in. square finished) I have about 15 left to do. And then of course, the applique part. But I love hand applique, so that should go quickly!