Today is day 6 of Blogtoberfest.
I managed to do five flowers for my little red quilt thanks to the quiting get-together I went to yesterday. I have already sewn a couple of these onto the quilt and it looks spectacular!
I couldn't get a good photo of the quilt today because we are having another dark, gloomy day. But I did manage to take a photo of these yesterday, using a flash.
It doesn't show the true colours. but you get the idea.

We ate lunch together, (grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup) and now she is taking a nap on my couch. She has to be back at school by 3:30pm because they have a staff meeting scheduled at that time. Too bad that she has to go back. She took the whole day off and her BFF is teaching her class today. The staff meeting is important because she is the one who is responsible for the computer program and info for the report cards. The school board has changed the format again this year. Only about the fourth time in the past ten years. Don't they have anything better to do?
Your project makes me think of the song starry starry night! Beautiful!
I can see how the purple is going and I think it will be lovely even though it is different. To avoid havning it look like "oh I ran out of purple" I would (if it were me) do the same thing with some other colors alternating again. This will add some more depth (not that it needs it, but why not?) and interest while tying in your oops, I ran out of purple!!
I am really enjoying your photo updates on this project.
Good mother daughter time is priceless. Glad everything is okay and I think the quilt is going to be spectacular.
I like the way your "wannabe" quilt is going! As for the group changing the report card stuff so many times, administrators are known for that....dictating a lot of changes so that it looks like they (the administrators) are doing a lot of work...when really all they are doing is causing a lot of work (often unnecessary work) for others! *sigh* And...for that, they get very high salaries!!!
Lovely flowers and your wannebe quilt is so very pretty! Such a perfect balance in it.
What a nice time you had with your daughter!
What a nice lunch...
Love the flowers and the wanna be quilt.
both the flowers & wannabe quilt look great!!!!
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