Lots of flowers to show you today. These are my hexies. I'm still working on the white background hexagons. I will show them to you as soon as I have them done.
You may remember that I planted some autumn crocuses last year. The squirrels got most of them, but one very large bulb grew into a big green leaf plant in the spring. Then it died. I didn't notice it at first, but it started turning brown and when I moved it, it seemed to have been chewed through at the base. I planted a couple of small left-over annuals in that area and totally gave up on the fall crocuses. But to my delight, I noticed a couple of flowers in that area a few days ago. And low and behold, I present to you, my fall crocus!

My (Angel's Trumpet) Brugmansia 'Grand Mariner' has not bloomed in a couple of years. I have to take this one inside each fall because it is not hardy in our zone. It's a lot of work to care for it all winter indoors and I decided that this would be the last year for such nonsense for a plant that wouldn't bloom for me. But it seems that it must have sensed my intentions because it is now in full bloom. And it is stupendous! I think I will drag it indoors as soon as the temperatures go down to 5C overnight.

The flowers hang down and are difficult to photograph. I just held the camera under the flowers and hoped for the best. I think the photo came out okay, but it was early this morning when I took these pictures and maybe the light could have been better. I had to do this early because I have a full day ahead of me. I may have spread myself a little thin. This afternoon I have volunteered to go to my DD's school and work in their library. I also have to do some laundry this morning so I will have something clean to wear. I know that sounds awful, but it's true.
This is a photo of the Brugmansia, looking into the flower. I love this plant - right now anyways!