Friday, August 08, 2014

Jungle Baby Quilt

I spent the better part of this week trying to figure out how to make the jungle baby quilt I showed you a couple of posts ago.  First I drew a very elaborate African scene, complete with jungles, savannahs and rivers.  It was nice, but way too complicated to applique.  Also, I didn't have enough fabric for the background.  I changed my direction and decided to make the quilt more or less as it was in the original. I started to make HST for the background.  They were fun to do and I just kept making them.  Then I started to sew them together and decided that they were too thick and heavy behind the applique parts.  I was still planning to hand applique them at that piont.  So I left some plain strips where the animals would go.  Then I decided to machine applique everything.  This is to be a baby quilt and it will get washed often.  Machine applique will stand up better. So that is what I am doing.

Here is a photo of what I have accomplished so far.  Still have to make some spots for the giraffe and more grasses.  But I think that working on small areas like this is the way to go.  This is a fun quilt to make.  I love all that wildlie!  I hope my DD loves it too.

Hope everyone has a terrific weekend.  The weather is cooperating - a nice, warm. rainless weekend for a change.

I am linking up with A Quilting Reader's Garden.  I know this isn't EPP, but maybe someone out there would like to see my progress.


Dolores said...

What a great start. I'm looking forward to your progress. How big is this part?

Terry said...

Looking good! :0)

Grit said...

Looks so wonderful.

The Calico Cat said...

Whats not to love, that is a great start!

Wacky Woman said...

Excellent!!! Love everything about it!

Mary K said...

That is looking so cute!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

How Sweet!!

dutchcomfort said...

That’s looking wonderful Hetty!