Saturday, August 09, 2014

What the...Hey! Something Bit Me!

A few days ago I was out doing some gardening when I decided to get a few tools out of the shed.  I opened the door and something fell on me.  I didn't see what it was but in about a second and a half it had bitten me on the inside of my upper arm.  Gosh it hurt.  I don't think I have ever been bitten like that before. I thought it was a wasp because we have some of those in the shed.  Usually they go about their business and don't bother anyone.

I started to feel dizzy and my arm felt as if it was on fire.  I got an ice pack from the fridge and placed it on my arm and then went to bed.  I don't remember anything after that.  I fell asleep for over 2 and 1/2 hours and that was in the middle of the afternoon.  When I woke up the bite was red and swollen and still hurt like crazy.

Ignore the wrinkles!

Last night I lay in bed trying to figure out what to do about the pain.  It still hurt as if it had just happened and it was very red and still swollen.  The centre where the bite was had become infected looking. That's when I decided it must have been a spider and not a wasp.  We have lots of spiders here in Toronto. There are Black Widows, Brown Recluses, Wolf and Hobo spiders.  Usually these arachnids hide in dark out-off-the-way places.  My shed is dark, but not that dark and we go in and out of it all the time.

My neighbour had installed a new shed in his backyard, right beside our fence last weekend.  He had to clean up all kinds of stuff that was in the way - firewood, cardboard, branches and other trash.  I think that a spider was hiding in that stuff and came to find refuge in my shed.  Then I knocked it down from the rafters and it bit me.  I have never knowingly hurt a spider.  I respect them.  I love the webs they form and the way they eat nasty insects.  So why did this thing bite me?  I think it was just a misunderstanding.

Does anyone have any idea what could have bitten me?  I would really like to know.


KaHolly said...

I have to agree it was probably a spider. Let's hope it wasn't a brown recluse. I think it would look worse if it was. Keep your eye on it and don't hesitate to go to the dr. if it gets worse instead of better.

Dolores said...

Oh my, if it hurt like you say it does, I would have gone to see a doctor. I do hope it goes away soon - at least the pain. I know nothing about spiders or other insects.

Monica said...

A spider or a centipede, is my guess. Benadryl, as soon as possible after the bite, does wonders. Or, an antihistamine cream. My dad and I both swell up like that from spider bites too. It'll take a while to heal, I'm afraid. Just keep it clean.

Deb said...

I bet it was a spider too, use some polysporin for the infected area that will help. I would draw a line around the area if it still grows bigger you may have to visit your doctor, you shouldn't take chances girl
I love spiders too, they are a good thing when I find them in the house I catch and release them outside. Flies are another story hate them!

dutchcomfort said...

I‘ve never seen a spider bite. Take good care of it and go see a doctor Hetty!

Wacky Woman said...

How are you feeling today? Did you try Benadryl? If you fever, get thee to a doctor. One of my grands had a nasty reaction to a spider bite and it really took her down until a couple of treatments from the doctor. And, she was only 15.

Barb said...

I hope you get to feeling better, I know it must hurt, it looks nasty.

caminauck said...

I was bitten by a white-tail spider here in NZ a few years back and had to have the poison cut out of the arm a few days later, leaving a hole big enough for the Dr to put 2 fingers in.