Monday, November 13, 2017

A Day of Rest

Day 13

Felix is still not well.  I am very worried about him.  My DS was here this morning.  He offered to take us to the vets.  But he is a math instructor at Centennial College and they are on strike right now.  I was afraid we wouldn't be back in time for him to go to a meeting.  Felix seemed a little better today.  I hope I can make him well with some good food.

Also, I had a migraine today.  So not much got done. either on my sewing or on anything else.  But while looking for some brown scraps I found the maple leaf quilt that I was working on a few years ago.   I am going to take it to my quilting group tomorrow and maybe get some advice on how to finish it.

I don't think I have much more to do.

Hope tomorrow will be better.

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