Friday, July 31, 2009
In Progress

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I Love Ewe!

Friday, July 24, 2009
Finished The One a Day Nine-Patch Quilt Along Top

It was rather difficult to do any quilting today, so I just worked on the weekly Party Block. My DS is here today, shovelling sand into the hole that used to be our pool. The sand people dumped 24 tons (!) of the stuff in my driveway a couple of days ago and now DS is moving it, shovel by shovel, wheelbarrow by wheelbarrow. It's quite a job and he keeps me busy, feeding him and getting him water and juice to drink.
I also got a call from my aunt this morning to say that my mother is back in the hospital. She had a series of small strokes which have left her kind of spacey and unable to walk. She keeps falling and her better half cannot pick her up anymore. We hope she will feel better soon. Hospitals are not a fun place to be in the summer.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Start of Another Nine Patch
So in the meantime, I should have gone through my UFOs and picked out something else to finish, but NO! I did not! I actually started another Quilt Along! Same place, different fabrics. I have decided to do this one in Christmas fabrics. I will make it a bit smaller than the first one - maybe just a lap size quilt.
I didn't just start this today. I have been working on it for about a week now as soon as I learned that Crazy Mom was doing another quilt along I am only doing a couple of blocks a day and I have 14 blocks done. When I placed them on my design floor Oscar immediately took possession! I think he likes them!

"Actually Oscar. they are not for you. But I am pleased that you approve."
Then I asked him nicely to get off. But he wouldn't. So I left the blocks on the floor and continued to sew another border strip onto the first quilt top. When I came back into the solarium awhile later, Mimi had taken possession.

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Not My Choice!

I used a wild batik for the blades because I wanted to give them depth. I thought the block would be 'flat' otherwise. I don't know how long it took me to make this sucker, but let me just say that it was a long time! Lots of half square triangles and a lot of patience! I like how it turned out, but it definitely is not my 'choice' for a block. This is definitely a one of a kind. And now back to quilting the little lambs!
Friday, July 17, 2009
A Cave for Felix!

Ahhhh! Great idea Felix! Reduce. Recycle. Re-use!
Monday, July 13, 2009
First Quilt - Last Quilt - A Parade of Quilts
Here is the first quilt I ever made. Sorry about the sunshine! I had to take the photo when my DD was here because I could not spread it out on the lawn without her help. I took a quilting course sometime in the middle of the 1990's. It was my introduction to quilting! I had no idea what colours to choose for my quilt. We made one block a week. All sewing was done by hand because there was not enough room to plug sewing machines in anywhere. I made a few extra blocks in between classes. I was a real keener. When all the blocks were done and all the sashing and borders were hand-stitched in place, I put this baby away in a dark closet. I just couldn't face having to actually quilt it. About 10 years later my Guild asked me to be Quilter of the Month. I decided to finish this quilt in order to show my beginnings. I also used it to practice on. It is hand quilted in places and machine quilted in others. But I got it done!

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Trying to Keep Up With All My UFOs!

Monday, July 06, 2009
Just Doing it for Fun

Sunday, July 05, 2009
Windmill 2

Friday, July 03, 2009
Diz iz Z Cross

This block is called Z Cross and it is a 10-inch block. I'm not really sure if I like it. I wish I had used a different fabric for the cross. Maybe I would like it better. But it came out of my scrap bin and I am glad I was able to use it up.