So in the meantime, I should have gone through my UFOs and picked out something else to finish, but NO! I did not! I actually started another Quilt Along! Same place, different fabrics. I have decided to do this one in Christmas fabrics. I will make it a bit smaller than the first one - maybe just a lap size quilt.
I didn't just start this today. I have been working on it for about a week now as soon as I learned that Crazy Mom was doing another quilt along I am only doing a couple of blocks a day and I have 14 blocks done. When I placed them on my design floor Oscar immediately took possession! I think he likes them!

"Actually Oscar. they are not for you. But I am pleased that you approve."
Then I asked him nicely to get off. But he wouldn't. So I left the blocks on the floor and continued to sew another border strip onto the first quilt top. When I came back into the solarium awhile later, Mimi had taken possession.

Mimi is not telling the truth. She actually doesn't care one bit about Christmas or any other celebration for that matter. She just loves to roll around on quilt blocks! Go figure!
Mini & Oscar are so cute hairifying (sp?) your lovely blocks. I have been working on my coin quilt and I keep seeing all the Jordie and Fergie hairs that I have quilted into it. Aren't cats wonderful LOL.
Gotta love your kittie "quilters". LOL And...what is wrong with starting a new project instead of working on a UFO???? hehehe
mimi and oscar loving 9 patch quilts, but how doesn't
Hetty, I am doing a scrapy 4 patch. Hand piecing as I sit with hubby or watch tv. It is going really fast so maybe I can take a picture soon.
Mini & Oscar should take a class on how to sandwich a quilt, so they can be of some quilting use to you... LOL!
Those 9-patches are addictive to make! I start a second one, though my first is not even far from finished!
You know, it really helps to get the "full measure" of your work when Oscar lends his rare feedback to the quilt blocks in development. And Mimi, well, she's such a good sidekick I wouldn't really know how to take it all in without her there. Especially on her back. Yes. On her back. That speaks volumes of cat-cuteamous!
As soon as you put blocks on the floor Oscar knows they are his.
And then you are asking him nicely to go and get of the blocks?
He even thanks you for making them for him.
But no, there comes Mimi. She now claims property rights. And she winds you and Oscar around her little finger, or should I say claw.
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