Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Photo a Day for 365 Days

After a lot of thinking and trying to see if I have time for this, I have decided to post one photo per day for the next year or so.  This will keep me focussed on the present and allow me to look back and see where I have been and what I have done.

Yesterday I went for a ride up to the mall.  I had to take the back streets because our main road is under construction at the moment.  They are upgrading the water system and putting new curbs and sidewalks in.  As part of the daily photo challenge, I was instructed to take my camera everywhere I go.  As I passed by some colourful berries against a beautiful blue sky, I stopped to take a photo.

So this is officially my first photo for the yearlong challenge.  September 15. 2014.

And for today I want to show you some letters I have started to make.  This is going to be an adorable quilt made up of letters and other blocks.  It can be colourful or neutral, depending on which fabrics are used. The tutorial is on Temecula Quilt Company.  It started last week.  Sheryl Johnson offers a new letter every few days.  Tomorrow it will be the letter 'D'.  I am looking forward to it.

September 16, 2014


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I love it when there is a cloudless brilliant blue sky. It is a great backdrop for the berries.

Wacky Woman said...

You will have fun with the photo challenge. Did you join Fat Mum Slim? Temecula Quilt Company is near me.