1. I have been married for 42 years! Gosh, is it that long already? It doesn't seem like it.
2. I have a daughter who is 37 years old and a son who is 35.
3. I love gardening. Indoor and outdoor. I can hardly wait for spring to arrive. A couple of my orchids are in bloom right now. They stay inside, of course. It is too cold in our climate, but I still love to grow things.
4. I went back to university when my kids were in school full time. I was a stay-at-home mom until then. I endured York University long enough to earn a BA in psychology with a B+ average.
5. I spend twenty years working with mentally challenged children for the Toronto District School Board. The first 15 years were with kids aged 11 to 14. The last five were with kids aged 15 to 21. I loved my job. I was stressed to the max, but those were the best years of my life. Believe it! It's true. I took an early retirement about four years ago. because.........(see number 6)
6. I planned to do a lot of travelling in my retirement. But so far I have only been to the Caribbean a few times on cruises. I love going down there when it is cold here in Toronto. Unfortunately I was not able to go for the past few years because..........(see number 7)
7. I am recuperating from a rare auto-immune disorder at the moment. My body had destroyed all the nerves in my back and legs. It was horrible. I was not able to walk anymore. I had to depend on others for everything. I could not even use my sewing machine. I had to give up driving and just about every other thing in my life. Not fun! That was until last summer when I had a course of steroid treatment. That seems to have halted the disorder. I would not even have mentioned it, but it seems that I am getting better and that demands to be shouted about! I have been walking around the house, using only a cane. I can't do it for very long, but I am getting better every day. It's kind of like a small miracle! Or maybe a big miracle!
8. I believe in miracles! Is that okay for number 8, or should I come up with something else? I can't think of anything at the moment, Maybe I'll ask Mimi to help me.
Hey Mimi! What else can I tell people about myself?
"Did you tell them that you're easily distracted?"
Oh, yeah, but that wasn't part of my tag. Can't you think of anything else?
"Meow! Okay. You are easily distracted. You have forgotten to buy Fancy Feast for several weeks, you don't pet me enough and you pee in my drinking bowl!"
Okay Mimi, that's enough. No one wants to know any facts about your drinking habits! So there you have it. Eight random facts about me.
I guess I am now supposed to tag eight other people. I don't want anyone to feel as if they have to do this and I don't want anyone to feel left out, so I am going to leave it up to each of you, my fellow bloggers. Take the tag if you want it. Leave it if you don't.
There. See? I didn't know any of these things about you before. Thanks for sharing! and yes.. I would say a big miracle.
Love that little penguin guy. :-)
Thanks for letting us know a little more about you, and I thought i was married a long time!
I love your little penguin, I can see why you just had to make him!
I always love these memes because they give me a chance to get to know someone better!! You are such a sweetie. I am glad that you are getting better. I am losing weight not for vanity but to better my health.
42 years is quite a wonderful accomplishment!!! Congrats!
Love the penguin. It is adorable.
what a darling penguin!!
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