So for the finale. Here is my Scrap Happy Summer Parade.
I have made several more of the strip blocks. They are not sewn together yet, but I hope to have them done soon. With Mimi's help I should be able to make a quilt out of these.

On previous posts I have already shown you some of the other scrap projects that I have been working on. Here are a few of them. The small flowers, the 2 1/2 inch crumb block quilt, the picnic quilt, the klosjes and the red and blue blocks and the 3 1/2 inch crumb blocks. 

I haven't shown you a photo of my ongoing flower garden for awhile. These are the larger flowers. I think this one is almost done to the flimsy stage. I am not sure how big I will make it. I guess I will stop when the flowers become boring or if I run out of scraps. So far there is no sign of either of that.

And finally for today I want to share with you the row I made for the Row Robin Barb is hosting. I used some of my scraps and some of the fabric that came with this row. The theme for this quilt is springtime. 

You've done amazing things with your scraps! I wish I was more comfortable with scraps.
You have made some beautiful things with scraps. Maybe you need to make one small piece with a little of each in it as a recap of the summer.
Your string quilt....did you use a foundation? and if yes, was it paper or cloth? Beautiful work.
What a lovely colorful post today Hetty! It is amazing what wonderful quilts scraps can make and it does feel good to use them all up.
Everyone has been so busy making quilt tops and pretty banners and all sorts of things. My summer has just slipped by me in a fog of hospital and illness and taking care of everything else besides sewing. Maybe Fall will be better.
Hetty, these quilts are fantastic! I love your colors and all the different patterns you made. Just georgous!
Plus you have a cat that looks identical to mine! Only my Tika kitty is a boy - he gets called a girl all the time. Its the pink ears!
Great Post!
You have turned all those scraps into true works of art!!! Keep up the good work....but...I don't know whether to be inspired by you OR intimidated as I don't think I could turn my scraps into anything even half as nice! LOL
Mimi was in the background watching over you.
She felt it was time to show herself and join all these beautifully colored pieces of scraps turned into amazing quilts.
Love all your scrappy projects hard to pick a favorite. But your flower garden is definately near the top!
The strip/string blocks are building up to something beautiful!
What creativity to do the stuff you have done with scraps! congratulations.
That is a lot of lovely projects. It seems that the more you do with scraps the more are left. Keep going ;-)
Mimi is adorable. I love cats!
Your scrap work is great. I wish I had your talent. Oliver says Mimi is also doing a fine job.
Such a hapy scrappy post! Love all the projects you are working on or have finished!
It was delightful to see all the stuff you made out of scraps! Yay you!!!
OH such lovely eye candy! Scraps are the best!
Hi Hetty
What a wonderful feast for the eyes this post is! And how busy you have been this summer with all these colourfuly scrappy projects. Your flower garden hexagon one is looking lovely and bright, it will really brighten up a bedroom when it's finished.
Wonderful projects! And all made from scraps? I can hardly believe it.
Lovely Row Robin. Great colors!
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