Monday, October 22, 2012

There's Gold in Them Dare Trees

Day 22 of Blogtoberfest.

The sun is shining.  The temperature for today is 18C.  I decided to go out and look for colour - fall colour.  The leaves will not last must longer.  The wind is strong and is blowing everything to the ground.  But it still looks like a forest of gold out there.  The ravine is beautiful.  And I was able to take a few shots of other trees around the neighbourhood as well.  

I found other things in colour too.  Some rose hips among the golden leaves of the rose bushes along the path.  There were also a couple of roses still blooming.  Some pretty white asters were growing along the side walk.  Then there were the urns outside of McDonald's.  Can you believe that?  So beautiful with their mums and ornamental kale, and right outside the hamburger joint!  .  

I could have taken many more photos, but my battery ran out.  Not the battery on my camera, but the battery on my scooter.  I made it slowly all the way home, but it died in my driveway - wouldn't even go up the ramp.  So now it is plugged in outside by my back door.  As soon as it is working again I will bring it inside.  

Tonight is our monthly guild meeting.  I think we are having a good guest speaker tonight.  Hope so.


Wacky Woman said...

Beautiful Hetty.

Simone de Klerk said...

Beautiful pictures! Our temperatures have been so high too. Lovely.