Saturday, September 26, 2009
No Fools Here
Friday, September 25, 2009
Strike Outs and Underlines

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Never Too Old to Learn Something New
When I was visiting my Mom a few weeks ago, I noticed that the nurses had put the blue and white quilt on her bed. It really cheered the room up! But that quilt is really too small for a bed. It is great as a lap quilt though. So I decided to make, yet another nine-patch since the quilt along was still going. I decided to use batiks this time. So far I have made about 36 blocks - still have just about as many to go. I am running out of batik fabrics. Think I will have to make a trip to the quilt shop soon tomorrow!
Mimi: "Meow! Can't you see I'm busy washing my tail!"

Me: "Hmmm. Yeah I can see that. So finish what you are doing and get off, NOW!"
Mimi: "Almost done, Meow! Just a little bit more to do on my 'you know'."

Oh, Mimi! You little buttlicker sweet kitty, you!
Do you think I am overdoing it a bit with all the cross outs? Don't worry this is just a novelty at the moment. It will get boring soon enough!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Another Victory for Nelson

Cute, eh?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A Carfree, Equinox, Victory Kind of Day!

It is also Worldwide Carfree Day today! Everyone was asked to leave their cars at home and walk, take public transit or bike to work (or play) today. This is only a one-day thing, but it is hoped that people will continue to leave their cars at home, thus reducing our carbon footprint on the earth. A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact we have on our environment. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases we produce in our day-to-day lives by burning fossil fuels for heat, transportation and electricity. I am curious to know if other people celebrated this day in other parts of our wonderful world.
And in the hopes that we can reduce our carbon footprints on our planet, let me show you my Victory block from this week's Block Party. It is called, "Nelson's Victory". Nelson being Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson and Victory being the HMS Victory, a flagship of the Royal Navy.

Friday, September 18, 2009
A Buggy Finish!

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Fruits From the Garden and Sewing Room

I have not had much time to spend on sewing this week. There have been doctor appointments and other things that took me away from my sewing machine! But I did manage to finish another journal cover. This one fits a full-size notebook. I used cat fabrics and I love it!

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Block Party Block - Week 37
I got excited when I saw it on the Block Party. That little central square seemed like a perfect place to do some fussy cutting of a kids focus fabric. But halfway through the construction of this block I remembered that this is a 10-inch block and all of my 10-inch blocks have been done in batiks. I have used novelty fabrics for my 9-inch blocks. Duh!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Searching and Searching
But I have to stay focused. Searching and more searching. I wonder what they will do to me if I don't find those documents. Will I be stoned in the public square? Hung and quartered? Maybe sent off to fight the war in Afghanistan? Nah, probably none of those. They'll probably just charge me more tax! But it's the principal of the thing. I want to be able to say I was right. So I continue to break my nails and cough and sneeze!
But sometimes searching is a good thing. Look what I found in my mailbox yesterday! The Calico Cat had some kittens to give away! And I was lucky enough to have her send me some! Lots of really cute cat fabrics and some other fun 'I spy' fabrics. Thanks Amy! These are great! I've already started to cut some strips to add to a cat journal cover I was working on. But more of that tomorrow. Now I have to get back to my files.......

Monday, September 07, 2009
Some Bag Patterns and a Block

Last Weekend of Summer
So I squared them up and decided to add a sashing. I used a quilt-as-you-go sashing. I think it gave the individual parts more definition. I also had to sew down some of the decorations, because the students had used white glue, paint and hot glue to add their decorations and pieces of felt and these were falling off. It was difficult to sew through them, but after much calculating, cutting, sweating and hand sewing, I came up with this.

Mimi: "Meow! I'm not staying. I'm just passing through!"
"Thanks Mimi." I think Mimi just wanted to be sure there would be lots of white cat hairs on the quilt when I take it over to the school tomorrow.
Yesterday we took another trip up to Haliburton to visit my mother who is still in the hospital up there, waiting for a space in a nursing home. On the way up there, we stopped at a roadside picnic spot to eat our lunch.

I am pleased to be able to tell you that my Mom looked well - probably the best I've seen her since her strokes and other problems and ultimate admission to the hospital. We took her outside to sit and visit with her in the warm sunshine. It was a nice way to end the summer.
Our next trip to Haliburton will probably not happen until the Thanksgiving long weekend. And by then they could have snow up there!
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Another Journal Cover

Mimi: "Meow! You mean it's not for me? But I like it. I want one too!"
Me: "This one is not for you sweet kitten!"

But I will make another one. I love these things and I am still having problems getting the size right. This one is still a bit on the small side, but I'm sure that after a few more tries I'll get it right.