If you have come to see my quilt for Park City Girl's Bloggers Quilt Festival, go
here. If you have just dropped by to see if I am keeping up with my Blogtoberfest obligations, then stay. At any rate, welcome!
I decided to make another charity quilt, using the disappearing nine patch pattern. I worked on it all day yesterday (when I wasn't reading everyone's Blogger's Quilt Festival posts) because it was raining. A whole day of rain! Very depressing! Mimi slept the entire day! I thought about waking her, but just didn't have the heart to do it.
Since there wasn't much else to do because of the rain, I decided to make another charity quilt - using scraps from my scrap bin and some plain fabric that I wanted to use up. I'm afraid those disappearing nine patches have gotten under my skin! I am becoming obsessed with them! I was still piecing well past midnight last night. I had all the nine patches made and cut into quarters. I put them on my design floor. When I had the layout exactly the way I wanted it, I covered the whole thing with a piece of fabric. That was supposed to keep the cats, especially Mimi, off the blocks! This is what I woke up to this morning!
Everything was scattered all over the place! It looked like Mimi's work!
Me: "Mimi! Look what you've done to my layout!"
Mimi: "How do you know I did it? Maybe it was one of those silly brothers of mine!"
Me: "I know your handiwork when I see it. Plus, there are little nail marks in the fabrics and you are the only cat around here with claws!"
Mimi: "Oh."
Me: "And now what are you up to? Why can't you drink out of a water bowl like other cats?"
Mimi: "I don't know. This is the way I like my water."
Me: (sigh) "If you weren't so cute I could get mad at you! But now.... what can I say?"
Mimi: "What's that you got there?"
Me: "This is one of the jars of applesauce I made this week. I want to show my blogging friends. Doesn't it look Yummy!"
Mimi: "Not really. Why didn't you can some tuna or something?"

Me: "Oh, Mimi! You're impossible!"
Mimi: "Well, what do you want me to say?"
Me: "I don't know. Say something cute or smart or thoughtful!"
Mimi: "Okay. Meow! Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed."
Me: "Hmmmmm. Very profound! Where did you hear that?"
Mimi: "I looked it up on the computer."
Me: "Go take a nap Mimi!"

Mimi: "Meow!"