Sunday, December 30, 2007
Amigurumi Santas

Monday, December 24, 2007
The Train Quilt is Finished!!!!!!

Now going to wrap it up. The party is this evening! I finished it just in time! Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Socks and Cats

Felix: Awwww. Please, pretty please! Pretty please with catnip on it!
Me: I just finished them. They are from the monkey socks pattern. I made them a little wider because my feet are swollen at the moment. They wouldn't fit you, Felix! Sorry!
Felix: Darn!
Me: Darn them? No way! I haven't even worn them yet!!!
Felix: Oh, boy! Very funny! Everyone is a comedian!

Mimi: They won't fit me! If I can't eat them or sleep on them, I am not interested!
Monday, December 17, 2007
An Early Winter Snow Storm!

Today the storm is but a memory! We have beautiful blue skies and a few light flurries. The snow looks very pretty on the branches of trees and bushes. Everything is sparkly! But it is still very cold and dangerous for walking! Soooooo...... The question is: What do you do when life gives you snowstorms? Do what I do! QUILT!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007
Let There Be Cherry Pie For Dessert!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Would the Real Felix Please Stand Up!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
The Christmas Ripple is Done!
I finished the Christmas Ripple this morning. I thought that I wanted to finish everything quickly, so I worked feverishly on it, but now that it's done, I miss it! The weight and warmth of it on my lap were comforting and reassuring. I may have to do another one! But there are also some socks and other Christmas items that I want to finish before Santa comes! So many projects, so little time!
I used Red Heart yarn for this throw, which I got at Walmart in huge balls, so it was relatively inexpensive to make. The pattern is my own design. I did not plan for this to become an heirloom! It was just supposed to be a fun project for the season. I like to make something new each year and this year, this was it!
Mimi likes the afghan, I think. She was up on it as soon as I spread it out to take a photo! But then, she usually likes everything I make. In fact, she thinks that I make everything especially for her!
Mimi: Don't you?
Me: Not always, but you are welcome to sit on any afghan that I make!
Mimi: Thanks! (aside) Little does she know that I don't need her permission! I just sit anywhere I please!
Me: Hey! Don't think I didn't hear that, you little ball of fur! Good thing you are my favourite feline!
Mimi: Meow!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
It Snowed Last Night!

The snow is not all that we will get today! As our temperatures warm up the snow is changing to freezing rain. In fact, it has started already! Later that should turn to rain and we are supposed to get about 20-30mm before the day is over! Good thing it is Sunday. We don't have to drive anywhere! I'm sure the roads will be treacherous!

Thanks to everyone who left me a comment. I really do love getting them! You are all so very kind and positive!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The Pink Baby Outfit is Finished!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Cherry Tree in Autumn

We had a severe frost last night. The water bags holding the pool cover in place, froze solid! So everything in my garden is now finished for this year. I was able to dig up a few dahlia tubers this afternoon, but the tuberous begonias were not salvageable. They were sitting in the shade and the soil in their pots was frozen solid, so I could not dig them out. Too bad. I will have to replace them next year.
The winner of Mimi's 'comment draw' is Keiko! But Mimi thought that Rika should get a prize too! I think she remembers how nice it was when Rika was here last summer, petting and stroking her! So I will check to make sure that I have both of your snail mail addresses and send something off to you as soon as possible. Congratulations! And thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Please, everyone, continue to leave comments. I love your comments!!! And you never know when Mimi will want to hold another draw!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Mimi and the Spirit of Christmas

My owner asked me that question this morning. What the heck is this Christmas anyway? It doesn't concern me! Meow!! As long as I have a nice bowl of Fancy Feast and some clean drinking water, a soft, warm place to sleep and maybe a pot of catgrass or better still, some catnip, I am a Happy Cat! But this Christmas thing seems to drive humans crazy! They start thinking about it for weeks in advance. As soon as Halloween is over, they bring out the Christmas decorations and start putting them all over the house. I don't really mind, as long as nothing sits on my favourite napping place! So far, so good.
There is not much new around here, but I am sure my owner would love for me to show you the Christmas pillows she has begun to work on. Yes - in anticipation for the day that the jolly fat man comes down the chimney! Crazy humans! The red one is finished and the white one just needs a red bow. There will also be a green one with a white bow and maybe a white one with a green bow. I must admit, meow, they are kind of pretty. The inspiration for them came from the magazine, Crochet Today! There was also a black one with a nice white bow, which I really liked. I guess that is because I like white! Maybe I can convince her to make one of those for me! Meow!

Monday, November 05, 2007
Mimi and Oscar are Friends!
Completed Socks!

Sitting, as I have been, in my recliner for the past five days, has given me lots of time to knit! I finished this pair of socks using some discontinued Bernat Sox yarn. At least I think it is discontinued! Too bad, because I really enjoyed working with it! It's a very thin fingering yarn - 60% acrylic and 40% nylon. I bought it on sale last year. This pair of socks cost me less than $4 to make! The colour is called 'hot tamale'. The pattern I used was 'lace panel socks' from the Patons book, "Pull Up Your Socks". These will keep my feet warm this winter! I have two more balls of this same yarn in a darker, purple colour, so I may just have to make another pair!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Sometimes Things Don't Turn Out the Way You Want
I think I am on the mend. At least I hope I am! Perhaps I should back up a bit and tell you what happened on that fateful day last week - Halloween day.
I fell that day - not once, not twice, but three times. The first fall was not too bad and I was able to get up and walk away. The second fall was a terrifyingly humiliating experience! I was going through the doors at the Y, into the parking garage. The door closed on me and knocked me off my feet. I leaned back against the door as I fell, but it opens inwards and I just slid to the ground, cane, heavy bag containing wet towel, wet bathing suit, wet pool shoes and all. The humiliating part was that I couldn't get up again! There was nothing to hold onto or pull myself up on. Luckily for me one of the aquafit instructors was just leaving and was able to help me back up onto my feet. She was terrific! Such strength! I didn't think anyone would be able to just pick me up and set me on my feet! I guess that's what working out at the Y can do for you! Incredible, isn't it? But before she was able to come to help me up, a dozen people converged on me and offered their help. I even heard a voice over the PA system calling for all employees to go to the parking garage to help out! How utterly humiliating! I wished I could just disappear! I don't know my rescuer's name, so I can't thank her personally in this post, but when I find out, I will let you all know who my hero is! She walked me to my car after she got me onto my feet. I was soon on my way home. There was not much time left before the ghosts and witches were coming out. And I still had lots of decorating to do. I was in a hurry! Too much in a hurry it seems!!!!
I still wanted to make a couple of scarecrows out of old clothing and newspaper before the evening started - a couple of scarecrows to sit on my porch and maybe scare the little trick or treaters! I was looking for a straw hat, which I knew I once had, but couldn't find. As I went down the front stairs to look in the hall closet, I lost my balance and fell for a third time. This time I knew it was serious! I heard my ankle 'tear' or something like that. Maybe it was more like a 'pop'. I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. My toes sort of curled up and I could not put any weight on my feet. The pain was excruciating! I managed to crawl and slither my way up the stairs. Luckily for me there were only four steps! I crawled to the nearest couch in the living room and tried to pull myself up, but I couldn't. My feet hurt too much and my ankle felt as if it was broken! So I spent half an hour on the floor, waiting for my husband to come home and help me. After he got me to my feet, I still was not able to do much! No more decorating! No more pumpkin carving. Those thngs were out of the question! Dinner was a half cooked 'Transylvanian Ghoul-ash'. We ate it 'as-is' and miraculously, it was quite tasty! But my feet were a mess and I could not walk. My husband put the uncarved pumpkins on the front porch and turned on the light. The little ghosts and goblins came by the dozens - about 180 of them before the night was over - more than we have ever had at our house before! He handed out chocolate bars, while I sat with a bag of frozen peas on my feet and felt sorry for myself! I ate painkillers by the handful all night long and when I got up in the morning, my feet, toes and ankles were black and blue. Every bone and muscle in my body ached! I have been confined to my favourite reclining chair since then! Stairs give me anxiety attacks! I don't even want to walk past them, never mind use them!
So, I did not get any Halloween decorating done! I did not even start my broom! My DH handed out the candy to the kids who came to the door. I didn't even hollow out a pumpkin and carve a face in it! But I did have this lovely wooden scarecrow, which I painted several years ago. It served its purpose nicely. Isn't he cute? Mr. Scarecrow saved the day! He was put by the front entrance too! Not to scare anyone, but to welcome them to our house!! I have never posted a photo of him before, so I am glad to be able to do so now! He was the best thing that happened to Halloween!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Yep! It's Officially Fall Around Here!

The weather has changed. And so have the trees! It sort of happened overnight while I was sleeping, I guess! Until now I thought we would have summer right into January. It's been so hot! But what a difference a day can make!
Last night the temperature went down close to freezing! When I got up the sun was shining and I decided that if I was to get any photos of our beautiful fall colours, I would have to take my camera and go out this morning.
By the time I got to the park, clouds had moved in, but I decided to forge ahead with my leaf photo quest. There would not be many days left in this short autumn season.
The first place I went to was Bluffer's Park. I have always loved this place and today was no exception! It looks so rugged. This photo really doesn't do it justice! A bit of sunshine would have been helpful. But there wasn't any and the temperature was very chilly down there by the lake. The thermometer in my car read, "7C". Brrr! I could see the waves of Lake Ontario breaking on the shore. Sorry, no photo. It was too cold to get out of the car and walk along the beach! Besides, I probably would have fallen and not been able to get up! Not a good thing! I decided to stay close to the car and parking lot.

I found some nice purple coloured maple leaves. They reminded me of the time when I was still working in a Special Education class and we were discussing fall colours and the changing leaves. One boy insisted that the leaves turned purple. I let him have his say, but I was skeptical because I didn't think that I had ever seen a purple maple leaf! But here was proof! I wish I had some fabric in this lovely colour! What a gorgeous quilt that would make!

When I arrived home, the sun had still not come out! In fact, it didn't make an appearance until late in the afternoon when I was in the pool at the Y. Too bad I didn't have even a small ray of sunshine to help me take my photos. But, oh, well. The sun reflecting off the waves of the pool water was nice too. I pretended I was on an island, far from the late days of autumn, enjoying the warm waters of a tropical pool.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
My Blooming Yellow Hibiscus

Saturday, October 13, 2007
The Princess and the Peas

Meow! Okay, don't bother to move these cushions! Just leave them here for me! I love the high vantage point! I can see out over all of my domain! And it is all mine! And bonus! My pesky 'brothers' can't bother me up here! Meow! Love, Mimi
PS. Oh, by the way, could you please remove the book that was lying on the chair before you piled the cushions on it. It is hurting my back! Thanks.
Friday, October 05, 2007
New Plants in My Garden

Feeling Blue!

I planted them last spring, before I even knew anything about nerve damage, bulges in my spinal cord, MRIs and walking with a cane! But today these gorgeous flowers came in handy! I had to climb up part of a wall to get this shot. And I was able to do that - and get down without hurting myself! Hmmm. Maybe things aren't as bad as I think they are. Notice the sky! Even it is blue today - and not a cloud in sight!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Still Going Strong!

Sunday, September 23, 2007
I Have Finished the Colourful Ripple!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The Ripple Afghan is Finished!

Monday, September 17, 2007
The Night of the MRI!!!
The staff at the MRI department asked me a gazillion questions, mostly about operations I had had in the past and if I had anything metal implanted in my body. They also wanted to know if I was claustrophobic. That's when I knew I would be in trouble! Nightmares of waking up in a hospital bed encased in a plaster body cast, images of being locked in the trunk of a car, the feeling of being paralyzed - and now they were going to put me into a machine, like a long tunnel with no escape. Was I claustrophobic? You betcha!!! Would I ever be able to get out?
When they were finally convinced that I had answered all of their questions, they showed me into the MRI room. The machine was an huge, imposing, grey monster. It practically filled the tiny room! A narrow 'bed' was attached at one end. I was told to get up onto it and put my head in a tiny 'head' space and my shoulders against the parts that held my head in place. It felt hard and unnatural. They propped my knees up with a sort of wedge-shaped cushion. My left leg was already going numb and tingly. Then they gave me a pair of bright, yellow ear plugs because the noise inside the machine would be very loud. Oh, great! Confined to a narrow tunnel with no escape AND subjected to loud noises at the same time! How would I be able to stand it? I thought I would get to listen to some nice music or something. Even Muzak would do! I was handed a round bulb-shaped thing on a cord and told that I should squeeze it tightly in order to alert the technician if I experienced any discomfort or problems. I clutched the device tightly in my left hand as close to the bulb as possible. What happened to the person who was going to talk to me while I was going through my torture! I guess at 1:30am there are not too many people around who have time to sit and chat. That's when I realized that I would be alone in that grey room with the imposing grey machine tightly locked around me! And what would constitute discomfort? Would they stop the test if I felt as if I couldn't breathe and wanted to get out as quickly as possible? Should I squeeze the bulb if my leg went into spasms? I guess I should have asked, but I was, for once in my life, speechless! They tested the machine - not so much to see if it was working, but to give me a chance to experience the sensation of being inside it, having it move around me and having it make noises as it sliced my body into nice, neat photographs. Then they stopped the machine and brought me out to make me think that it would be easy! See? I had nothing to fear! But I am skeptical and I feared the worst.
"Are you ready to begin?" The technician asked me. I heard my voice say, "Yes", but I am sure I didn't say that! The machine was already calling the shots! It was speaking for me! "I'm not ready", I wanted to scream! "I'll never be ready!"
"Okay, then", said the technician from the safety of his 'control' room behind the glass. He started the machine, raising my bed-like thing high off the ground, "I will be able to talk to you through the speakers. So let's get started". Even if I had wanted to I wouldn't have been able to get off the bed now! It was too high! I was stuck! "Whatever you do, don't move", the technician warned me! My life passed before my eyes!
The 'bed' moved me far into the bowels of the machine! I had said, "Yes!" Or at least a voice that sounded like mine had said "Yes". OMG! It was too late! The test was about to start! And just as the machine started to engulf me, I felt a tiny itch on the tip of my nose. It was just a tiny itch. If I could have scratched it, it would have disappeared in a second. But I couldn't move! I couldn't reach it with my hand or any other part of my body. I tried to blow it away, but it just kept on itching! The voice from the speakers said we were going to start! The machine started to grunt and groan and make 'popping' noises. It sounded as if I was caught in the middle of a war zone. Bullets were flying past my head! I couldn't duck them and had to trust that the machine would protect me. Another series of bullets and another set of whirs and groans. And all the time the itch on my nose got worse! My legs started to feel as if they would go into cramps at any time! More bullets! OMG! I think one of the bullets must have hit me! I could feel it in my leg! It was a hot, searing pain. Oh. That's right. This was the pain that I was there to have diagnosed. But my feet started to get cold. Maybe it was a bullet! Was I dead? No, I could still feel that damned itch! The voice started to tell me that the next part of the test would last three and a half minutes. Oh, no! Another itch was starting on my right shoulder! And now there was one on my right hip! The wedge thing under my knees made my legs go to sleep! Was the three minutes not over yet? They seemed to go on forever. How long is three minutes when you are being tortured in a small, dark chamber? It all became clear! This was an alien abduction! They were conducting their tests. I would have to check to make sure they hadn't taken one of my kidneys if this 'test' was ever over! IF! It was going to go on forever! More bullets! More itches! More cramps! I moved my big toe between whirs and groans and bullet blasts. I hoped they wouldn't see me. But they were aliens! They would see everything! I hoped they wouldn't be angry at me for moving and take a few other vital organs while they were at it - as revenge. It was getting hot in my contraption! Had I used up my air supply? I couldn't breathe anymore! The itch on my nose had eaten a huge hole in my face! The cramps in my legs would surely paralyze me for eternity! I thought I couldn't stand it any longer. I would have to squeeze that bulb! But my hand was holding it so tightly that rigor mortise had set in! "Get me out of here", I heard the voices in my head scream! "I can't take any more!" And suddenly there was silence! Was the three and a half minutes over? No! A half hour had passed. No more bullets flying past my head. No more whirring and groaning. The bed was moving. It was moving me out of the machine! I could see the light at the end of the tunnel! "Are you okay?", a voice asked.
"Okay? How could I be okay? I've been shot at, my kidneys have been stolen by aliens, my left hand is numb and my legs are paralyzed! And I have a hole in my face!"
I would never be okay again! But the itch on my nose was gone! Oh, miracle of miracles! The itch was gone! My head was dizzy and I had to get up slowly, but get up I did! I got dressed in record time and made my way to the waiting room, where my dear husband was patiently reading a magazine. I 'ran' for the exit as fast as my gimpy leg and cane could carry me! I was free! I wasn't paralyzed! And I still had my kidneys! And my itch was gone! But I wasn't taking any chances!
"I want to go home as quickly as possible", I said. And that is exactly what we did!
Monday, September 10, 2007
September Beauty!