Then this morning I went to the mini Tuesday quilt group. I worked on my hexies, but mostly I drank tea and ate cake and socialized some more. Here are my prepped hexagons. I should be able to sew some flowers tonight to show you tomorrow.

I wanted to take a photo of Mimi, but as soon as she saw the camera she turned her back to me.

When I finally did get her face she was already looking away. She jumped down as soon as she saw the flash. Yes, I had to use my flash. It is really getting dark early. Maybe it's a good thing. It will give me more time to sew my hexies.

It‘s indeed getting harder to take pictures with the grey weather and shorter days, so I also need my flashlight and Midas hates it!
Being with friends and having a good time is supposed to be one of the most important things to allow us to have a long life. All of that prep time is a bonus.
Socializing is part of life and renews your energy. Glad you have such good friends.
Smart Mimi. But I am glad to see her,from the front or back, she is sweet either way.
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