Then I found this UFO. It's on my design floor right now, but it is not sewn yet. This pattern is especially good for using 5inch charm squares or scraps and I am using scraps. So I figured this quilt is very similar to the Chinese Coins. Perhaps I can work on them at the same time. The fabric I can't use in this quilt can be used for the Coin quilt.

oooooooo, I like it.
Love both quilts, the Chinese Coin and the UFO. I think you can allow yourself to enjoin both projects at the same time.. LOL!
Doing both at the same time is probably a smart idea. This way you can swap as you get bored of one - and using the fabric for both/one or the other that works best sounds like a great way to use up those scraps! Can't wait to see how they turn out!
two at a time is the ONLY way to work, LOL!!!
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